
The article presents the results of the author's study of the content of Russian science development programs and their implementation, which was carried out based on official statistics. The author emphasizes that the creation of the National Project «Science and Univer- sities» has become a logical development and an update of two national projects – «Science» and «Education» – that conformed with the objectives of the Presidential Executive Order on Russia’s national development goals through 2030. The paper describes the information and statistical support for the development and assessment of the implementation of state pro- grams for the development of Russian science. The author considers the lists of target indicators of the National Project «Science and Universities» and its four federal projects «Research Leadership», «Infrastructure», «Personnel», «Integration» generated and approved by the directives and orders of the Minobrnauki of Russia (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) and Rosstat (Federal State Statistics Service). Considerable attention is given to the international comparative analysis of the most significant indicators reflecting the status of science in the country, including the amount of investment in science, the assessment of the scale of state support for scientific activities in different countries, which is necessary for transferring the Russian economy to an innovative path of development. In this regard, the necessity of expanding and improving statistical observation is substantiated by conducting a range of additional thematic questionnaires and surveys of scientific and educational organizations engaged in research and development.

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