
Summary. The purpose of the article is to define the concept of representation of national minorities of EU member states. The article is devoted to the integration processes of the state ethnonational policy of European countries. National minorities, who are not the indigenous population of the states in which they live, play an important role in establishing the connection of international communications with other countries. In addition, national minorities play a dominant role in the foreign policy organization of state administration. The conditionality of this issue lies in the context of the preservation of the ethnic nation. More than 190 national minorities are compactly located within the borders of Europe. Particular attention is paid to the impact of European integration on the ethno-national structure of the EU. In order to achieve the set goal, the European experience of protecting the rights of national minorities and ratified international agreements is considered. The place of national minorities in integration processes, the main origins of disintegration are determined. An assessment of the integration of the national potential is formed; the quantitative indicators of the ratio of national minorities (Romania and Hungary), the enclaves of their placement, the risks of assimilation are characterized. The problems of European Union law in the area of protection of the rights and freedoms of national minorities are studied. Currently, the legislation of European countries has significant differences regarding the status of national minorities: the law of the European Union is practically limited in integration. The scientific novelty will consist in the concept of representation of national minorities within the framework of European integration. The concept will contain the main universally recognized laws, acts, regulations regarding EU national minorities. There is a need to consider the concept of national minorities at the regional level, to find ways to consolidate the countries of the European Union. Conclusions. Taking into account the experience of foreign countries, proposals are made for the implementation of integration processes in Ukraine regarding the status of national minorities. The approved regulations for the adoption of a new law on the representation of national minorities in accordance with European requirements.

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