
Individual sexual and reproductive life management has been сonfirmed by medical and state communities since 1990s. Every citizen officially received rights for access to appropriate goods and services. Such international agreements as 1994 International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo, Egypt) and 2004 WHO Reproductive health strategy, estimated reproductive health and family planning as priorities. Worldwide agreement on the 2005 summit declares achieving of female reproductive health before year 2015 as worldwide progress.WHO created complex of international eligibility criteria for male and female contraception with the aim of medical aid improvement. According to WHO plan, those criteria should be used by countries considering policy, needs, priorities and resources of national healthcare programs. For example, USA, United Kingdom, Russia etc. have successfully adopted medical eligibility criteria for contraception on the national level.The present review is summary product created by interdisciplinary expert group including representers of federal and regional healthcare establishments, medical universities, and international medical organizations.

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