
The philosophy of education, which was formed in Turkestan in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, is interpreted as an area of research that analyzes the national pedagogical activity and educational foundations of these modern educators, its goals and ideals, the methodology of pedagogical knowledge, methods of creating a new Russian school system. Thus, it can be said with confidence that the philosophy of education, as an area that has a socioinstitutional form during this period, reflected the goals and objectives of the educational program of the Jadids. We know that during the formation of the Jadid Enlightenment, special studies of the philosophy of education were carried out, first in the United States and then in Europe. However, even before that, a separate philosophical system for the philosophy of education was created by such philosophers as Plato, Aristotle, Jan Amos Comenius, Locke, Herbart. In general, the philosophy of education is understood as an area of philosophical knowledge that has a subject of study. Philosophy of education as a science originated at the beginning of the 20th century. The founder of the philosophy of education in the world is the Anglo-American philosopher John Dewey. Today, in English-speaking countries, the philosophy of education has become a discipline with the status of a subject offered by individual faculties of universities. Thus, this chapter is devoted to the analysis of philosophical problems associated with the theory and practice of education of the Jadids, their approach to the problems of education, description, and reflection of the educational system of that period, its goals and levels, since the entire period of philosophical development is closely related to the ideas of the enlightenment. This chapter also presents a conceptual analysis of the educational organization and gender issues in Turkestan schools of the “new method”. For the Jadids, Islam was a way to get rid of ignorance, a means to achieve spiritual perfection. In Turkestan, the main goal is to build a secular state based on universal ideas, governed by Parlament. In particular, we see this in the process of political efforts to create a “national autonomy of Turkestan autonomy.” The changing nature of the Jadid movement is also characterized by an emphasis on education. This was due to the idea of the Jadid enlighteners to follow the Turkish, Tatar, and Azerbaijani intellectual world, as well as the desire to learn about Western European enlightenment.

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