
Lot of research has been done in literary studies around the problem of narrative and the narrator. The category of narrative is very complex, varied, and the ways it is conveyed in the fiction text are different. The concept of narratology is closely related to the activity of telling a story in a fiction text. Scholars in the study of narratology pay attention to its functions, ways of transmission, and specific features. If we consider history and the narrator in very close interaction, it is obvious that there is a specific function of the narrator in the transmission of historical discourse in the fiction text. In this article, within the framework of historical discourse, the activity of the narrator in the work of M. Magauin «Kipchak Beauty» is comparatively analyzed. The influence of the historical and artistic text on the historical consciousness through the narrator is studied. The research work in relation to the narrative was guided by the works of such scientists as M. Bakhtin, M. Lotman, V. Schmid, J. Jeannette, E. A. Popov. No one denies that bringing historical circumstances to the reader in a work of fiction deepens the essence of historical discourse. Consequently, each of these categories becomes an object of research in its own way, and although the theoretical features are scientifically differentiated and complicated, the article studies their integral reflection in the literary text. The article attempts to identify the features of the connection between narrative and historical discourse. In the course of the study, methods of comparison, comparison-analysis, interpretation, semantics were used. As a result of the research, the relationship between the category of narrative and historical discourse is revealed, the interpretation of historical facts by the narrator in a literary text is considered.

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