
<p>This study is basically discussed on the narration map, mode of spread and acceptance and important factors facilitating the growth of Islamism narration in Central Java. This research is an ethnographic, in the sense of trying to understand the practice and the lives of individuals as part of a community or a broader context , the subject of this study were (1) youth; and (2) public figures. The findings are first, although it is well-known as the center of radical-terrorism movement, but the people of Central Java is ectively involve in preventing Islamism narration; second, pesantren, mosques, religious scholars are community elements becoming front guard of anti-radicalism, extremism and terrorism in Central Java; third, the youth as the important element to articulate resonance of Islamism. These social groups are the most vulnerable object of Islamism narration particularly those who are radical and extreme.</p>


  • Keberhasilan aparat hukum menangkap, menetralisir, dan menjinakkan ratusan anggota kelompok teroris melalui program kontraterorisme dan deradikalisasi telah berhasil secara signifikan melemahkan jaringan teroris

  • This study is basically discussed on the narration map, mode of spread and acceptance and important factors facilitating the growth of Islamism narration in Central Java

  • The findings are first, it is well-known as the center of radical-terrorism movement, but the people of Central Java is actively involve in preventing Islamism narration; second, pesantren, mosques, religious scholars are community elements becoming front guard of anti-radicalism, extremism and terrorism in Central Java; third, the youth as the important element to articulate resonance of Islamism

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PENANGGUNG JAWAB Kepala Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

(Antropologi) Dr David Samiyono, MTS., MSLS (Antropologi Agama/UKSW) Dr Sulaiman, M.Ag. (UIN Walisongo/Lektur Keagamaan Islam) Dr Zakiyuddin Baidhawy (STAIN Salatiga/Pendidikan Agama). REDAKTUR PELAKSANA (MANAGING EDITOR) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. (Agama dan Masyarakat) Drs Mulyani Mudis Taruna, M.Pd. (Pendidikan Agama) Joko Tri Haryanto, S.Ag., MSI. (Agama dan Tradisi Keagamaan) Nurul Huda, S.Th.I. SEKRETARIS REDAKTUR (ASISTANT MANAGING EDITOR) Setyo Boedi Oetomo, S.Pd. Putri Aziza Desy Asriana, S.Hum. (Administrator) Muhammad Purbaya, S.Kom. (IT Support) Fathurozi, S.Sos.I. (Layouter)

Latar Belakang
Kerangka Konseptual
Revolusioner Kekerasan Terorisme
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