
The world of science and engineering of sustainability and nanotechnology are in today’s scientific fabric are in the aisles of newer scientific divination. Environmental, energy and socio-economic sustainability are the utmost needs of the hour. In the similar vision, nanotechnology needs to be aligned with diverse areas of natural sciences, applied sciences and engineering sciences. The definition of “sustainability” as described by Dr Gro Harlem Brundtland, former Prime Minister of Norway needs to be re-envisioned, rethought and rejuvenated with the passage of scientific history and time. Human struggles, human scientific and engineering challenges and human impact needs to be rethought as environmental protection and environmental disasters are in the path of immense scientific contemplation. In this paper, the author deeply discusses with verve and validation the integration of nanotechnology and sustainability. Human race today stands in the middle of deep scientific disaster and also scientific contemplation. Loss of ecological biodiversity and frequent environmental disasters are urging the scientific and engineering community to move towards newer scientific innovations and newer environmental engineering tools. Thus the need of a comprehensive treatise in the field of nanotechnology and sustainable development. Nanotechnology has vast and varied applications in the field of environmental pollution control. The author deeply targets these areas of scientific and engineering research endeavor. A newer era in the field of nanotechnology, nano-engineering and sustainability will surely usher in if a concerted effort is taken in the proper implementation of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the vision of Brundtland Commission Report. A new generation of scientists and engineers will move towards positive research directions if man and mankind innovates and envisions the basics and fundamentals of environmental engineering science, chemical process engineering, sustainable engineering and nanotechnology.

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