
AbstractThe world of science, engineering and technology of carbon nanotubes are today in the avenues of scientific regeneration and scientific ingenuity. In a similar way, environmental protection science stands in the crucial juncture of deep scientific introspection. Rapid industrialization, advances in manufacturing, global climate change, global warming and population growth are devastating the environment and human health. Nanotechnology today is a forerunner towards a greater scientific emancipation of the science of sustainability. Environmental or green sustainability is the utmost need of the hour. In this paper, the authors deeply elucidate advancements in the field of carbon nanotubes applications in environmental engineering. Also, carbon nanotube applications and energy storage are the other hallmarks of this treatise. Water purification, drinking water treatment and industrial wastewater treatment are the immediate needs of civilization today. Millions of people around the world are without pure drinking water and proper sanitation. Arsenic and heavy metal groundwater contamination in many developing and developed nations around the world are destroying the vast scientific fabric. The author unfolds the scientific intricacies and the scientific truth in the application of nanotechnology in industrial wastewater treatment. Nanotechnology and nano-engineering are the true vision and the scientific ingenuities of modern civilization. This is a comprehensive investigation in the field of industrial wastewater treatment and management. Also, the interface of industrial wastewater treatment and the application of nanomaterials are deeply elucidated in this treatise. Provision of basic human needs such as food, water, shelter, human habitat, education and sustainability comes under United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Energy and environmental sustainability will go a long and visionary way in the true emancipation of science, technology and engineering globally. This treatise will unravel and unfold the limitations, the challenges and the scientific barriers in the application of carbon nanotubes in environmental remediation and water and wastewater treatment. The authors also pointedly focuses on the conventional and non-conventional environmental engineering techniques in arsenic and heavy metal removal from drinking water and groundwater. A newer visionary era will emerge in the field of environmental engineering, nanotechnology and chemical engineering as man and mankind surge ahead. The author also focuses on energy engineering applications of carbon nanotubes and the vast domain of nanotechnology. The pursuit and the triumph of the domain of water and environmental remediation are deeply elucidated in this paper.

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