
The consequence of the unstoppable growth of plastic production and inadequate waste disposal is plastic pollution, which is becoming a global challenge. Large quantities of discarded plastics in the environment are under the direct influence of biotic and abiotic factors, leading to the fragmentation of particles and the formation of tiny particles of plastics or nanoplastics. Nanoplastics are a fast-growing pollutant that, due to ubiquity in the environment, causes great public concern. It also attracts the attention of scientists in detecting harmful effects on health and the environment. This review is aimed at summarizing all adverse effects of nanoplastics on human health and the environment. Due to their toxic effects, it is necessary to reduce the disposal of plastics in the environment, develop or improve existing methods, and implement legislation that would reduce the release of nanoplastics into the environment. A possible ban or reasonable regulation of nanoplastics in cosmetics or food can be expected only after a critical mass of scientific objections has been created.

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