Organic light emitting field effect transistors (LEFETs) integrate light emission of a diode with logic functions of a transistor into a single device architecture. This integration has the potential to provide simplified displays at low costs and access to injection lasing. However, the charge carrier mobility in LEFETs is a limiting factor in realizing high current densities along with a trade-off between brightness and efficiency. Herein, we present a technique controlling the nanoscale morphology of semiconducting polymers using nanoscale grooved substrates and dip-coating deposition to achieve high current density. We then applied this approach to heterostructure LEFETs and demonstrated brightness exceeding 29000 cd m–2 at an EQE of 0.4% for a yellow emitter and 9600 cd m–2 at an EQE of 0.7% for a blue emitter. These results represent a significant advancement in organic optoelectronics and are an important milestone toward the realization of new applications in displays and electrically pumped lasing.
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