
A founded model for the ministry of the congregation’s diakonia. This article describes a founded model for ministry in the Reformed Church of Randburg (RCR) and the process that was followed to develop this model. The article is the last of four articles. Each of these articles describes a phase of this process, which leads to the developed model. Osmer’s model for research in Practical Theology was followed in the research. The article describes the research conducted according to the final phase (pragmatic) of Osmer’s model. The question of how practical ministry in an urban congregation such as the RCR should look like is addressed by the suggestion of a model for the ministry. This model is founded on the research results described in the previous three articles. In this article, the research question of what a founded model for ministry may look like and what the developing process entails is being answered. At first, various angles of approach to the research on ministry in congregations, is described. To accomplish this, recent literature was examined. Secondly, the points of departure in the research are stated. Thirdly, the process that the congregation followed to develop the model is described. In the fourth place, the results of the previous research on which the model is based, are summed up. Lastly, the most important aspects of the model for ministry in the congregation are described.


  • Die belangrikheid daarvan om Bybelse beginsels in ag te neem wanneer verandering aangepak word, word beklemtoon (Renkema-Hoffman 2007; O’Kennedy 2003a, 2003b; Smit 1997; Du Plooy 1994)

  • ‘n Belangrike stap in die ontwikkeling van die bedieningsmodel het in Januarie 2009 plaasgevind toe ‘n empiriese ondersoek binne die gemeente gedoen is met die oog daarop om inligting in te samel op grond waarvan die bedieningsmodel ontwikkel kon word

  • Die diakonia-woordgroep kan dui op iemand wat geroep en gestuur/afgesonder word vir ’n bepaalde taak

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Original Research

A founded model for the ministry of the congregation’s diakonia. This article describes a founded model for ministry in the Reformed Church of Randburg (RCR) and the process that was followed to develop this model. As eerste stap in die navorsing om by hierdie model uit te kom, is ‘n empiriese ondersoek in die Gereformeerde Kerk Randburg (GKR) uitgevoer, waarvan die resultate deur Breed en De Kock (op die pers) beskryf is. Hierdie artikel saam met die voorafgaande drie artikels (Breed & Breed 2010; Breed & De Kock op die pers; Breed op die pers) beskryf die pad wat ‘n gemeente kan volg om tot ‘n begronde bedieningsmodel vir die dienswerk (diakonia) van die gemeente te kom. Inligting wat uit empiriese navorsing binne die gemeente verkry is, kan nooit op sigself bepalend wees vir die samestelling van ‘n bedieningsmodel nie. Inligting wat uit die empiriese navorsing verkry is, kan egter as aanduiding dien van waar beginsels oortree word, of nuwe denke stimuleer oor die praktiese toepassing van Bybelse beginsels. Die een kan nie sonder die ander tot wasdom kom nie (Rima 2002:16; Batson 1999; Engle & McIntosh 2004)

Historiese verloop
Resultate van die empiriese ondersoek
Ouderlinge en predikant se diakonia
Bedieningsraad Blok B Predikant
Operasionele bedieningsraad
Die struktuur van die gemeentebediening
Mededingende belange
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