
隐喻推理主要包括语用推理和认知推理。本文首先梳理隐喻推理的语用观和认知观,并简要评述各自的优点和缺点,继而介绍语用与认知互补视角下的隐喻糅合理论,该理论以词汇语义学和词汇语用学为出发点,糅合关联理论和概念隐喻理论详细分析了词汇隐喻义的在线理解过程,并运用概念合成理论揭示了句子隐喻性和词汇隐喻性的关系。文章指出,隐喻糅合理论结合语用和认知两大进路推理隐喻的做法可以实现二者优势互补,但仍有待进一步发展和完善。 Metaphor inferencing embraces pragmatic inferencing and cognitive inferencing. First of all, this paper introduces the pragmatic view and cognitive view of metaphor inferencing respectively and gives a brief comment on their merits and demerits. Then it describes the Hybrid Theory of Metaphor (HTM) which adopts a complementary perspective of pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. This theory centers around lexical semantics and lexical pragmatics and presents carefully how to understand the metaphorical meaning of certain word(s) online by combining relevance theory and conceptual metaphor theory, and the relationship of sentential metaphoricity and lexical metaphoricity via conceptual blending theory. It is pointed out that although the combination of pragmatic approach with cognitive approach for metaphor inferencing can make up for each other’s disadvantages; HTM still requires further development and improvement.

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