沿岸海域环境质量是影响海洋生态及生物生存生长之重要因子;该海域质量又与邻近陆域环境质量(如都市及工业废物(水)之排放)有密切关系。台湾西部人口稠密、工厂林立;不幸西海岸水浅,海水同化废弃物水能力较差;水浅的海域又适合鱼贝类养殖业。因此与鱼贝类之生存生长与消费者的健康生命必须重现。不同的调查分析方法,所得调查结果必然不同。本文综合报导近四十年来台湾沿岸海域环境(包括水体、沉积物及鱼贝类)质量之研究(包括使用之调查分析方法及其质量管理与质量保证)其所发生的重大事故(如海水低温与鱼类死亡,海水高温与鱼类死亡,珊瑚白化(死亡)及秘雕鱼等;耗氧性物质之养殖贝类大量死亡,油污染,西施舌中毒等;以及累积性物质之绿牡蛎,贝类性变异现象等)回顾及其处理情形,以及未来研究工作之期望。 The marine environmental quality is the key factor to influence the marine ecosystem and the marine bio- logical resources. Marine pollution on Taiwanis primary due to the city sewage, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, as well as industrial wastes that discharged directly into the nearby river system. Most of the downstream rivers as well as the western coast, where is the important Mariculture oysters and marine biological resources area, are already polluted by excessive organic materials from cities and industries. In order to safe guard our coastal environment and to protect our marine resources, since 1970, we (the scientists from physical, biological and geological divisions of Institute) have carried out several programs on hydrological, chemical, biological and geological studies along the western coast ofTaiwan. The present paper attempts to review of our thirty years observation on the Taiwan marine environmental qual- ity, especial focus on some events such as oil pollution, green oysters, coral decolorization, fish skeletal deformities, imposex on rock shells, etc.
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