
为评价芦花鸡引进宁波放养后鸡肉、蛋中的脂肪酸的特点,试验以27种常见脂肪酸为标样,应用GC-MS法脂肪酸进行相对含量测定和种类分析。结果表明,芦花公鸡鸡肉含有23种脂肪酸,母鸡肉中脂肪酸25种,芦花鸡蛋含有标样定性的27种脂肪酸。鸡肉脂肪酸种类主要以不饱和脂肪酸为主,其中芦花公鸡肉不饱和脂肪酸相对含量为54.06%、母鸡肉为58.38%、鸡蛋不饱和脂肪酸含量为64.28%。所含脂肪酸中软脂酸占芦花鸡肉和鸡蛋中相对含量最高,芦花公鸡为30.23%、母鸡为29.69%、芦花鸡蛋为28.66%;芦花鸡蛋中含有人体必需的亚麻酸及亚油酸,相对含量均占15.73%。本研究为居民芦花鸡的消费提供了参考。 Ningbo stocking chicken is introduced for the evaluation of Luhua chicken, egg fatty acid test to 27 kinds of common fatty acids as the standard sample, the fatty acid by GC-MS method for determi-nation of relative content and species analysis. Results have been shown that Aloe Chicken Rooster contains 23 kinds of fatty acids, hen meat fatty acid 25, barred egg containing standard qualitative 27 kinds of fatty acids. The fatty acids of chicken were mainly unsaturated fatty acids. The relative content of unsaturated fatty acid in barred Plymouth Rock cock meat is 54.06%, hen meat 58.38, eggs 64.28%. The relative content of palmitic acid was the highestin Luhua chicken and eggs; barred Plymouth Rock cock was 30.23%, hen for 29.69%, barred egg 28.66%; barred egg contains essential linolenic acid and linoleic acid and relative contents were accounted for 15.73%. This study provides a reference for the residents consumption Luhua chicken.

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