
类胡萝卜素为许多蔬果所具有的天然色素,是重要营养物质并对于人体身心健康扮演重要角色。以微生物生产色素具有短周期、易于回收且不受气候影响等优势。本研究自蔬果中,筛选得一个产色菌落为胶红酵母(Rhodotorula mucilaginosa),为一株具有生产类胡萝卜素潜力之真菌。研究中探讨生产类胡萝卜素最适化探讨,以接种量0.1%、转速125 rpm摇瓶培养,控制条件温度于27.5℃、pH 5.0、碳源为15 g/L Glucose、氮源为2.5 g/L Yeast extract条件下,菌生长到静止期(stationary phase)后24小时为最佳色素收菌时间,可得1469.29 μg/L色素产量。当菌株给予逆境刺激可改变菌株培养的生物量和其生理代谢,待菌体生长至稳定期后,给予不同逆境处理,以期得到较高的色素累积量,试验以短时高温37℃逆境六小时、短时低温10℃逆境六小时和持续低温22.5℃培养。研究得知,短时温度变化无法有效提升菌体色素产量的累积,而培养72小时后,再以22.5℃持续培养,可提升色素产量最高至1533.27 μg/L,并延长维持色素之高产量且减缓菌体色素的降解,此研究结果应用于未来连续发酵生产上,可延长色素高收率时间与维持色素产量的潜力。 Carotenoids are natural pigments found in many fruits and vegetables. These important nutrients play significant roles in mental and physical health of humans. The advantages of microbial production of carotenoids are short cycles, easy to retrieve, and not affected by climate. For this study, a colony of pigment-producing red yeast, Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, was screened from fruits and vegetables as a strain of fungi with the potential to produce carotenoids. This study discussed the optimization of carotenoid production in Rhodotorula mucilaginosa. A 0.1% inoculum of the yeast was shaken in a shake flask at 125 rpm. The controlled conditions of culture were the following: temperature, 27.5˚C; pH 5.0; carbon source, 15 g/L glucose; and nitrogen source, 2.5 g/L yeast extract. The optimal time for pigment collection was 24 hours after the yeast had reached the stationary phase of growth. Pigment production was 1469.29 μg•L−1. When a culture is subjected to stress, its biomass and physiological metabolism changes. Therefore, after the culture had reached the stationary phase of growth, different amounts of stress were applied to obtain higher pigment accumulation. The stress conditions tested included a six-hour short-term high temperature of 37˚C, a six-hour short-term low temperature of 10˚C, and cultivation at a sustained low temperature of 22.5˚C. The results showed that short-term temperature changes could not effectively increase pigment accumulation in yeast cells. After 72 hours of incubation, continued cultivation at a sustained low temperature of 22.5˚C could increase pigment production to a maximum of 1533.27 μg•L−1. High pigment production was prolonged and sustained, while degradation of pigment slowed. The results of this study can potentially be used in future in continuous fermentation to extend high pigment yield times and sustain pigment production.

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