
基于文献回顾和家长访谈,编制了特殊儿童父母自我效能问卷,并施测于859名特殊儿童父母。探索性因素分析结果表明,特殊儿童父母自我效能可解构为康复训练效能、学习指导效能、日常生活照料效能和问题行为管理效能4个因素。总问卷的分半信度为0.889,各因素的信度均在0.74以上,各因素与总问卷的得分之间的相关系数在0.754~0.839之间,各因素得分之间的相关系数在0.438~0.620之间。经过模型拟合,发现NFI、CFI、IFI和RFI的值都在0.9以上,说明问卷可适用于特殊儿童父母自我效能的测量。 Based upon literature review, in-deep interview with disabled children’s parents, a parental self- efficacy questionnaire for disabled children was developed and used for 859 parents of disabled children. Results of exploratory factor analysis indicated that four principal components of parental self-efficacy could be selected, which could be named rehealthy training efficacy, learning guidance efficacy, daily-life-care efficacy, and problem behavior management efficacy. Split-half reliability of total scale is 0.889, the reliability of various factors was more than 0.74, the correlation coefficient between each dimension and total score ranged from 0.754 to 0.839 and the correlation coefficient among subscales ranged from 0.438 to 0.62. Through the model fitting, the values of NFI, CFI, IFI, and RFI were more than 0.90, which indicated that the questionnaire could be applied to measure parental self-efficacy for disabled children.

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