
江西发展生态旅游具有重要的环境意义、经济意义和社会意义。江西生态旅游资源十分丰富。近十多年来,江西生态旅游发展取得了显著成效,但同时也存在诸多突出问题,如规划滞后、管理混乱、开发无序、破坏严重和宣传不力等。为实现江西生态旅游的可持续发展,作者提出应采取如下策略:1) 制定严格、科学的景区发展规划;2) 进行生态旅游管理体制、机制的改革与创新,实施多元化旅游管理机制;3) 征收旅游资源使用费,促进江西省生态旅游的可持续发展;4) 突出地域特色,设计旅游产品,开发生态旅游精品;5) 扩大宣传,提高旅游者爱护环境文明旅游的意识。 The development of eco-tourism in Jiangxi has an important environmental, economic and social significance. The eco-tourism resources in Jiangxiare very rich. Over the past decade, the development of eco-tourism in Jiangxi has made remarkable achievements, but there are still many outstanding issues, such as planning is still lagging, the management is confused, the development is disordered, the environment is seriously damaged and the publicity is ineffective. To achieve the sustainable development of eco-tourism in Jiangxi, the authors proposed that the following strategies should be taken: 1) ensure area development planning rigorous and scientific; 2) reform and innovate the system and mechanism in eco-tourism management, implement diversified tourism management unit; 3) levy user fees of tourism resources to promote the sustainable development of eco-tourism in Jiangxi Province; 4) highlight the regional characteristics, design tourism products, develop eco-tourism boutique; 5) expand the publicity and improve the tourists’ awareness of caring for the environment and cultural tourism.

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