
The most dangerous exogenous geological processes (EGP) in terms of the amount of damage caused to economic objects include: landslides, karst, flooding, abrasion, mudslides, etc. The distribution and intensity of EGP are determined by the peculiarities of geological and geomorphological structure of the territory, its tectonic, neotectonic and seismic regime, as well as hydrological, climatic, hydrogeological paleo- and modern conditions. Solotvynsky salt mine is one of the oldest enterprises in Transcarpathia. The field has been exploited since the Roman Empire. In 1360, a settlement of salt miners, Solotvyno, was founded on the site of the mine, which later became a center of salt production and a royal monopoly. There are a total of nine mines in the field. In 1995-1996 and 2001, floods began flooding mines. In 2005, landslides and karst abysses intensified in Solotvyno, leading to damage to residential buildings, roads and infrastructure. There was a complete flooding of the mines of two mines. Currently, dangerous natural and man-made processes are observed on the territory of the salt mine and adjacent territories. This is mainly salt karst, both underground and surface, the collapse of areas in the location of mines, as well as landslides. Therefore, the purpose of the research is to conduct a geodynamic audit of SOLOTVYNSKY SALT MINE SE and the surrounding area with the possibility of identifying areas with subsidence or rise of the earth's surface, which are gradually slowing down, accelerating or developing at a constant rate. Output data. Radar interferometry data in the period from April 30, 2016 to June 25, 2018 were used for research and performance of geodynamic audit of SOLOTVYNSKY SALT MINE SE and the adjacent territory. Modern methods of interferometric processing of satellite radar data are used in the work: the method of "PS" – the method of constant scatterers, and the method SBAS – the method of small baselines. The method of geometric leveling was used to measure vertical displacements in some places on the earth's surface in order to verify interferometric data. Monitoring of the area of interest was carried out using modern technologies of satellite radar interferometry. According to the results of observations of landslides and individual objects by space (radar interferometry) and ground (geometric leveling) methods, a high correlation of data was recorded and the presence of zones of active subsidence in the mining area was confirmed.

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