
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 北京城区人工构筑物对比邻绿地土壤温度和含水量的影响 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201303290554 作者: 作者单位: 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室北京,中国科学院生态环境研究中心城市与区域生态国家重点实验室北京 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(41171442, 70873121); 中国科学院生态环境研究中心"一三五"研究计划(YSW2013-B04);城市与区域生态国家重点实验室项目(SKLURE2013-1-01); 山西农业大学学术骨干项目 Horizontal impacts of urban constructed bodies or patches on the temperature and moisture patterns in the soil of adjacent green space in urban areas of Beijing Author: Affiliation: Southwest University,,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:选取城市中分布最广的两类人工构筑物——沥青和混凝土为研究对象,采用构筑物-绿地梯度样带法,观测这2类典型城市构筑物对比邻绿地土壤温度和含水量的影响,分析不同构筑物的质地、面积、形态等构筑物特征对土壤水、热分布的影响强度及范围。研究显示:1)夏、秋季在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,绿地土壤温度在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最高,并且白天中午、傍晚时段a点温度显著高于梯度上其他观测点和对照点;2)绿地土壤含水量在比邻构筑物端(a点)处最低,而且土壤含水量变化在梯度样带上从a点至远离构筑物端的对照点变化具有不确定性,可能受城区土壤蒸散、人工灌溉、土壤地下生物量等不确定因素的影响。3)梯度样带上土壤温度(T)和水分(W)与离a点距离(D)均呈现幂函数定量关系,即沥青样地T = 0.7708(579.4957-0.9984D)0.5843,W= 0.1970(0.0505+0.1347D)0.2262;混凝土样地T= 0.7615(583.7027-1.0986D)0.5746,W= 0.2224(-0.6019+0.3473D)0.0595。4) 在构筑物-绿地梯度样带上,土壤温度和含水量受构筑物影响幅度大概在0-100 cm之间,而且随构筑物质地及分布格局、城市气象以及绿地构成、结构、人工管理方式等因素的影响而变化。 Abstract:Artificial coverage of natural soil surface by constructed material usually affects soil-atmospheric ecological processes. The exchanges of energy, water and other masses between atmosphere and soil are often restricted or hampered, and increasing ecological influences are exerted on adjacent, non-covered natural areas. At present, monitoring of urban ecological effects such as heat island, grey haze caused by urban infrastructure constructions and urban citizens' consumption have been performed with effective ecosystem observation networks, but little specific research attentions are paid to ecological effects of urban constructed surfaces or bodies on urban green space, soil and atmosphere, which play crucial roles in offering urban ecosystem services.In this study, two types of urban typical constructed bodies or patches (asphalt and concrete), most widely appeared in urban areas, are taken to investigate changes in temperature and moisture (VWC) in the soil of green space that is next to these two-types of urban structures. We introduce an ecological observational technique of the Human-Environmental Ecotonal Gradient Transect (HEEGT), that is, the boundary between urban structures and green space or exposed covers of soil or rocks is taken as an observational gradient transect, and observational points are arranged along with the Urban Structures-Green space (or exposed Soil) Ecotonal Gradient Transect as a category of HEEGTs on a straight line or a multi-zigzag course from the edge points of artificial structures to the central areas of green space or exposed soil. The research on horizontal effects of urban structures on the soil of adjacent green space were conducted, and the magnitudes and scopes of horizontal ecological impacts of different urban constructed bodies or patches on the temperature and moisture (VWC) in the soil of adjacent green space were further analyzed, considering their structural components, size, shape and other construction characteristics. Our study results have shown that: 1) in Summer and Autumn, in the HEEGT belt of the two types of observational sites (asphalt and concrete), there is always the highest temperature of soil in the point that is just next to the constructed patches (Point a), and the farther from the point a, the lower the soil temperature. On the contrary, Point a always has the lowest value of soil volumetric water content (VWC), and the farther from the point a, the higher the soil VWC. 2) Regarding diurnal variations of soil temperatures and VWC, the increases of soil temperature and VWC are statistically more significant at noon and night than that in the early morning in the HEEGT belts for the two types of observational sites. For seasonal variations from summer to winter, the soil temperature and VWC are statistically more significant at summer and autumn than that in the winter in the HEEGT belts. When atmospheric temperature is lower than a certain value (15℃ in Beijing city), the soil temperature variation in HEEGT belts statistically tends to be unchangeable. 3) In the HEEGT belts, there exist quantitative relationships of power function between the soil temperature or soil volumetric water content with the distance away from point a, that is, T = 0.7708(579.4957-0.9984D)0.5843 for asphalt,W= 0.1970(0.0505+0.1347D)0.2262 for asphalt; T = 0.7615(583.7027-1.0986D)0.5746 for concrete, W= 0.2224(-0.6019+0.3473D)0.0595 for concrete. 4) In the HEEGT belts for the two types of observational sites, the scopes of impacts for two types of urban constructed bodies on the temperature of soils of adjacent green space vary approximately within the numerical range of 0-100 cm, often altered by the components, texture, size, and patch distributional pattern of urban structures, and urban meteorological factors, artificial management as well as the compositions and structure of adjacent green space. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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