
通过考证缠足风俗的历史沿袭和发展过程,分析古代女子缠足背后的社会文化原因,探寻缠足陋习对古代女子参与体育的影响。研究认为:古代“男尊女卑”的社会观念、封建礼教对妇女的压迫、女子身体畸形的审美意趣是缠足习俗盛行的深层社会文化原因。缠足习俗对古代妇女参与民族传统体育锻炼的影响巨大,具有广泛性、长期性、根本性三个特征。By researching the historical follow and development process of foot-binding custom, the socio- cultural reasons of it were analyzed and its impacts on women’s participation in sports were ex-plored. The study concluded that: the ancient “patriarchal” society, the oppression of the feudal ethical code to women, and the abnormal aesthetic interest of women’s body are deep socio-cul- tural reasons of foot-binding custom. Foot-binding custom greatly influenced women’s participation in the national traditional sports, which had three characteristics of universality, chronicity and fundamentality.

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