
Based on nonlocal two-level controlled-rotation gates, the maximum-confident discrimination among <italic>N</italic> linearly dependent symmetric <italic>d</italic>-level quantum states implemented by two remote parters could be realized (<italic>N</italic>&gt;<italic>d</italic>). We present a scheme for such kind of nonlocal maximum-confident quantum state discrimination. In this scheme, the sequential nonlocal positive operator valued measurements (POVMs) lies at the heart. We construct the required optimal POVMs, in which each POVM has only two remote detection operators. We also report on the quantitative relations between the success probability of discrimination, entanglement and classical communication resources required in the implementation. The fact that the two-outcome nonlocal 2<italic>m</italic>×2<italic>m</italic> POVM could be realized using only (<italic>m</italic>-1) two-level maximally entangled pairs is notable. This scheme is feasible for current experimental technology.

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