
A precise and sensitive method was examined for the determination of thallium in environmental sediments by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. The ground sample was digested with HF/HNO3/HClO4/H2SO4, then thallium was determined by standard addition method. Both use of a pyrolytic graphite-coated tube and addition of matrix modifier (Pd2+ 2000ppm+5% hydroxylammonium hydrochloride in 1 mol·l-1 sulfuric acid solution) were effective in increasing sensitivity and precision. Constant absorbance was obtained in the charring temperature ranging from 900 to 1100°C.Analytical results of thallium obtained by proposed method showed in good agreement with the certified values for the environmental (sediments, rocks, soil and coal fly ash) reference materials. The precision was 2.5-5.2%. Similar analytical results were obtained by digested with HF/HNO3/HClO4 to the proposed digestion method.Thallium concentrations in river, lake and marine sediments from Kanagawa prefecture were detected in the range from 0.140 to 0.565μg·g-1 (average 0.299μg·g-1) by digestion with HNO3/HCl/HClO4 and from 0.171 to 0.624μg·g-1 (average 0.375μg·g-1) by digestion with HF/HNO3/HClO4/H2SO4.The detection limit of the proposed methods was 0.063μg·g-1 for 0.5g of sediment.

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