
对浙江省遂昌县的6种主要森林类型的水源涵养量与固土保肥量及其价值进行研究。结果表明:1) 年水源涵养能力最强的是阔叶林(32930.46万m3),产生价值270052.85万元;年保育土壤能力最强的同为阔叶林(251.79万t),产生总价值28028.89万元,因此,该地阔叶林涵养水源与保育土壤所产生的经济价值最高;2) 单位面积年水源涵养量最大的森林类型是毛竹(0.51万m3ohm-2),其产生的经济效益4.15万元ohm-2;年保育土壤最优的森林类型是阔叶林(38.06 tohm-2),其直接产生经济价值0.42万元ohm-2;对于水源涵养与保育土壤功能最强的森林类型是阔叶林,年产生价值4.51万元ohm-2。由于水源涵养与保育土壤功能是森林生态服务功能中最为重要的两个功能,本研究中得出阔叶林与毛竹在遂昌县研究森林生态系统服务功能总体性评价上,有着重要的影响力。因此,在遂昌县的生态林业建设决策中,建议增加阔叶林的比例,加快“针改阔工程”步伐,大力发展毛竹,以产生更大的森林生态效益。 This paper is an investigation on soil and water conservation capacity and its value of 6 forest types in Suichang, Zhejiang province. The results showed that: 1) The maximum water-capacity was broad-leaved forest, the annual total amount and value of water conservation was respectively 329.3046 million stere and 2700.5285 million yuan; the maximum soil-capacity was broad-leaved forest, the annual total amount and value of soil and fertilizer con- servation was respectively 2.5179 million t and 280.2889 million yuan. Therefore the broad-leaved forest occupied dominant economic status in six forest types of Suichang County. 2) The maximum water-capacity was bamboo forest (Phyllostachys pubescens) in unit area scale, the annual amount and value of water conservation was respectively 5100 stere and 41,500 yuan per hectare; the maximum soil-capacity was broad-leaved forest, the annual total amount and value of soil and fertilizer conservation was respectively 38.06 t and 4200 yuan per hectare. Therefore the broad-leaved forest occupied dominant status in water and soil conservation capacity, and the annual total value of broad-leaved for- est was 45,100 yuan per hectare. For water conservation and soil conservation are the most important functions of forest ecosystem services, the search holds that broad-leaved forest and bamboo forest (Phyllostachys pubescens) have sig- nificant influence in studying the general assessment of forest ecosystem services in Suichang County. Consequently, the research suggests increasing the broad-leaved forest proportion; speeding up transforming the coniferous forest into the broad-leaved forest project, and developing bamboo forest (Phyllostachys pubescens) to produce more forest eco- logical benefits.

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