
The socioeconomic prerequisites for the enterprise's organizational culture formation have been generalized. The nature of the joint-stock company's corporate relations influence on the organizational culture formation has been considered. The place, role, and significance of organizational culture in the socially responsible joint-stock company's corporate architecture have been determined. The peculiarities of the joint-stock company's corporate culture formation have been determined. The article identifies the regularities of the joint-stock company's corporate cultural formation as a set of subcultures within which the adaptation of stakeholders-insiders to the corporate relations conditions is carried out. The components of the socially responsible joint-stock company's corporate culture (moral and ethical imperatives of activity; staff tolerance level; requirements and restrictions for maintaining risk readiness and personal initiative of staff; purposefulness, coherence, and managerial support for joint actions; rules of control, coordination, and interaction; the cultural basis for ensuring the identity of the corporation and its personnel; system of motivation for corporate-approved personnel behavior; functional support for flexibility in establishing powers and freedom of action of executives; means of supporting adaptability to the conditions of the corporate relations) have been defined. Recommendations for socio-cultural support of a joint-stock company's competitive development have been developed. The characteristics and requirements for organizing the cultural context of the joint-stock company's competitive strategy formation and implementation have been generalized. It has been proved that a joint-stock company's corporate culture and competitive strategy are closely interrelated due to the high dependence on strategic goals set in competitive rivalry and stakeholders' worldviews, value orientations, norms, and corporate relations traditions. The article presents approaches to creating a socially responsible joint-stock company's motivational support for the competitive orientation of the corporate architecture and organizational culture formation. The necessity of considering the existing corporate architecture and organizational culture assessments result during the socially responsible joint-stock company's competitive strategy developing and implementing has been proved. Keywords: joint stock company, corporate architecture, organizational culture, corporate culture, corporate social responsibility, competitive strategy, stakeholders.

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