
市场经济的运行效率取决于信用经济的发展状况。而信用经济的发展又依赖于信用评级体系的有力支撑。从发达国家来看,美欧百余年的评级业发展奠定了三大评级机构在国际评级业的绝对垄断地位和市场影响力。中国评级业经历了近30年的发展,对信用体系的构建起到了一定的辅助作用。但从信用评级业管理体制来看,还存在多项管理体制缺位而导致整个评级业发展备受制约的问题。着眼于中国未来信用经济在市场经济中举足轻重的地位,亟需逐步深化评级业管理体制改革助推中国评级业的健康长久发展。The operating efficiency of market economy depends on the development of credit economy. The credit economy is dependent on the strong support for the credit rating system. From the perspec-tive of developed countries, over a hundred years the United States and Europe ratings industry has laid absolute monopoly and market influence of three rating agencies in the international rating industry. Chinese rating industry has experienced nearly 30 years of development, playing a sup-porting role in building credit system. But from the view of the credit rating industry management system, there is also an absence of some management systems that constrains the development of rating industry. Focusing on the pivotal position of credit economy in the market economy in the future, there is a need to gradually deepen the rating industry management system to boost long-term healthy development of China’s credit rating industry.

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