
Purified virus suspensions used for the ultracentrifugal analysis of vaccinia virus have been prepared by many investigators by the method of differential centrifugation. However, the high speed centrifugal forces employed by these workers were varied considerably.In the present experiments it was found that the final purified virus suspensions were contaminated with a component of 1300 S, much smaller than the virus particles, when the preparations were spun at 12, 000 rpm for 30 min. of high speed centrifugal force in the No.40 rotor of the Spinco Ultracentrifuge, Model L.It is expected that centrifugation at 6, 000 rpm (about 2, 400g) for 30 minutes in this head is just enough to sediment the virus particles. In this way the contaminated component was eliminated and the resulting virus suspension demonstrated a relatively well defined single boundary formed by the virus particles of about 5, 400 S.

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