
The new era of daily narrative fiction points women to daily life, and there is a close overlap between gender and daily life perspectives, making contemporary women's daily narratives rich and diverse. As one of the pioneers of the “neo-realism” genre in China, Chi Li is good at narrating daily life through the female perspective. This paper analyzes Chi Li's novels under the dual perspective of feminism and daily life, and finds that Chi Li's dual perspective style of feminism and daily life is deeply influenced by Western feminist criticism, but also has her unique narrative style, and the secularization of literary aesthetics is more prominent. Under the feminist perspective, the daily life narratives of Chi Li's novels in the new period are rooted in the transmutation of women's daily life consciousness, the narrative emotions are zero distance from daily life, the narrative language bears a strong Hubei brand, and the content shows more of the true restoration of daily life. She writes from a uniquely feminine perspective to care for women in the present world and constructs a care for life with inner intuition and experience, which is a model of feminist criticism and its local practice and has unique value in literary narrative.

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