
The article shows the results of the study of the role of theoretical knowledge in the development of bioethical views of students on the 1-2 courses of the medical faculty of the Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) when studying discipline �Bioethics�. The subject of medical and sociological research was the dynamics of bioethical views of students and their attitude towards biomedical technologies related to start, extension and termination of human life, as well as their knowledge of the limits of medical interventions in the natural processes of birth and death, set before and after mastering the discipline �Bioethics�. The analysis of results of examination of the primary attitude of students towards biomedical technologies showed its wide variability. The nature of the attitude varied from positive (33.7%) and neutral (32.6%) to negative (20.9%) and even the missing (12.8%). After mastering the discipline the structure of common bioethical views of students, refl ecting their attitude towards biomedical technologies, remained virtually unchanged (32.9%, 31.4%, 24.4% and 11.3%, respectively). But private attitudes have undergone a very signifi cant transformation. Its essence was the positive dynamics of the original submissions on all seven analyzed �open� issues of bioethics. Bioethical views of students have become academic, system, complete, critical and meaningful. The positive dynamics of the bioethical views of students which took place during the development of training material for discipline �Bioethics� shows, that theoretical knowledge infl uence on their development.

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