
贵州省黔南州布依族苗族自治州岩溶山区喀斯特地貌发育且岩层透水性强,造成地表水匮乏,引起生态环境的失调。本文基于2000~2015年《黔南州水资源公报》以及《黔南州水利志》所记录的截至1995年的水资源数据,利用GIS技术,从研究区的水资源量、水资源质量以及水资源利用三方面进行评价。研究结果表明:1) 岩溶发育强烈、降雨下渗率大,造成地表缺水,因此研究区水资源量时空分布不均衡,有明显的中部、南部多,北部少的区域特征;2) 黔南州水质监测管理,逐年完善加强,农村饮用水水质有待提高;城市及工矿企业附近的部分河段污染严重,污染物主要为氨氮;3) 水资源利用具有地区特色,水利风景区规划建设,解决了水资源利用与旅游业发展的问题;4) 从2013年开始实行最严格水资源管理制度取得了有效的成果,当年水资源利用率为7.97%。该研究可为黔南州水资源的综合利用提供参考数据。 The karst mountain areas in Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Qiannan are featured by karst development and strong permeability of rock stratum, which cause the lack of surface water, and the imbalance of ecological environment. Based on the data recorded in Qiannan Water Resources Gazette from 2000 to 2015 and Chronicles of Qiannan Water Resources by the end of 1995, the quantity, quality and utilization of the water resources were evaluated using GIS technology. The results showed that: 1) the surface water shortage is mainly caused by strong karst development and high rainfall infiltration rate. The water resources are unevenly distributed. The central and the southern parts of Qiannan are richer in water resource than the northern part. 2) The management of the water source quality monitoring has been gradually improved and strengthened; the rivers near the city and industrial and mining enterprises are polluted seriously. The pollutants are ammonia nitrogen dominant; in rural areas, the quality of drinking water needs to be improved. 3) The utilization of water resources displays the regional characteristics; water conservancy scenic spots have been planned and constructed, which reconciled the water resource utilization and tourism development. 4) The strictest water resources management system has been introduced since 2013. The annual water resources utilization rate increased to 7.97%. This study can provide reference data for comprehensive utilization of water resources in Qiannan area.

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