
The main purpose of the article is to highlight the anthropological principles of human research in the creative legacy of Mykola Shlemkevych, a philosopher, teacher, publicist, editor, public figure, and to outline their relevance for the present. In his concept, the man is represented in two aspects – a spiritual being and a social being. He reveals the spiritual manifestation of the man through his ability to reflect on life (Logos), to organize it (Ethos), to distinguish between beautiful and ugly (Eros) in life. The philosophical-reflexive interpretation by Mykola Shlemkevych’s of the man as a social being is presented in different models. The purpose of anthropology is to harmonize the spiritual and material aspects of a person’s life in the society. Accordingly, the purpose of education is to improve the human nature. Achieving this goal is possible by studying the cultural origins of educational phenomena, knowledge and perception of the man as a unique spiritual, physical and socio-mental phenomenon. This can be related to any modern trend in the philosophy of education that seeks to truly reform the education. We believe that the importance of Mykola Shlemkevych’s conclusions goes far beyond those systems contemporary to him, because they are relevant today.

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