
The questions of the formation of national identity and the preservation of the historical subjectivity of the Ukrainian people became decisive in the evaluation of the activities of the Ukrainian intellectual elite of the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Prominent representatives of the Kyiv community – Mykola Lysenko and Borys Poznanskyi – belong to the ranks of intellectuals to whom Ukraine owes its historical and national legitimation. The topic of the study is determined by the polyethnic basis of the Ukrainian national movement of the second half of the 19th century, which integrated the intellectual practices of Ukrainian patriots regardless of their ethnic origin on the way to protecting national identity. The purpose of the article is to reconstruct the interpersonal intellectual communications of M. Lysenko and B. Poznanskyi, to establish their place and role in the life and work of Ukrainian ascetic scientists. The source base of the intelligence consists of memories of contemporaries, epistolary materials, life notes of citizens and internal documents of the South-Western Department of the Russian Geographical Society – meeting journals and reports on the activities of the local branch for 1873–1875. Methods: historical-genetic, logical, historical-biographical methods, complex and personalistic approaches were used in the research. Main results. The network of interpersonal relationships of prominent representatives of the Ukrainian national movement of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries is analyzed. The duration and intensity of the flow of intellectual communications are determined. The peculiarities of the nature of the contacts, caused by an organic combination of ideological closeness and personal sympathies of intellectuals, are revealed. The main directions of their intellectual cooperation within the framework of the Kyiv community and the South-Western Department of the Russian Geographical Society are shown. The content of the written communications of Ukrainian intellectuals between 1885 and 1905 was revealed. Emphasis is placed on the cooperation of M. Lysenko and B. Poznanskyi with social and scientific organizations of Western Ukraine. Concise conclusions. The main content of the intellectual dialogues of M. Lysenko and B. Poznanskyi was not limited to purely scientific and public contacts, creating a significant layer of interpersonal contacts based on common interests, preferences and worldview orientations. They demonstrated the possibilities of creative cooperation in the service of the Ukrainian national idea, in the matter of building national identity. Practical significance: the material of the article may be of interest to scientists for an in-depth study of the figure of the Ukrainian composer. Originality: the network of intellectual communications of M. Lysenko and B. Poznanskyі is reproduced, the main thematic blocks of contacts are highlighted and characterized. Scientific novelty: an insufficiently researched segment of the intellectual connections of representatives of the Ukrainian movement of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries is presented. Type of article: scientific, analytical.

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