
Experiments were performed to determine how ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in the environmentally relevant range affects development of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Muller) and whether mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs), present in the early life stages, reduce UV-induced damage. Eggs, embryos, and larvae contained five MAAs having absorption maxima ranging from 320 to 334 nm. Eggs contained principally shinorine and porphyra-334, which absorb maximally at 334 nm and half-maximally at 312 and 348 nm, spanning much of the environmental range of biologically effective UVR. Concentrations of MAAs remained constant in unirradiated embryos through the gastrula stage, but decreased significantly in two-armed pluteus larvae. Daily exposure to combined photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 400–700 nm) and UVR did not affect the concentration of MAAs in these embryos up to the two-armed pluteus stage. Prism larvae of sea urchins and the sand dollar Echinarachnius parma (Lamarck) did not accumulate shinorine from the surrounding seawater. Daily exposure of embryos to UVA (320–400 nm) and UVB (295–320 nm) radiation in the presence of PAR induced delays and abnormalities during development, and removing UVB eliminated this effect. Abnormalities in embryos included thickening of the blastoderm wall, filling of the blastocoel by abnormal cells, exogastrulation, and formation of abnormal spicules. The percentage of embryos that developed normally was lower in batches of embryos exposed to PAR + UVA + UVB, except in embryos from urchins maintained on MAA-rich diets. In all cases, the percentage of PAR + UVA + UVB-exposed embryos that developed normally was positively related to the concentration of MAAs in eggs from which the embryos developed. Thus, the MAAs found in S. droebachiensis embryos protect them against UVB-induced abnormalities during their development to at least the four-armed pluteus larval stage.

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