2002년 2월부터 2005년 2월까지 성인 및 소아 호홉기질환자 994명의 상기도 도말물에서 M. pneumoniae 균주를 분리하고, 분리 균주의 ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, minecline, tetracycline, sparfloxacin, josamycin, erythromycin에 대한 감수성 검사를 실시하였으며, 분리된 균주의 235 rRNA domain II와 V에서 erythromycin저항성 변이가 일어났는가를 PCR과 유전자 염기서열분석으로 erythromycin에 감수성인 M. pneumonine균주의 염기서열과 비교분석하여 확인하였다. 호흡기질환자에서 M. pneumoniae의 분리율은 123/994<TEX>$(12.4\%)$</TEX>이었으며, 분리된 M. pneumoniae 균주의 minocycline, sparfloxacin, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, josamycin, erythromycin MIC 범위는 각각 <TEX>$0.015\~0.25,\;0.06\~0.5,\;0.06\~0.5,\;0.25\~0.5,\;0.25\~0.5,\;0.015\~8.0,\;0.015\~8.0{\mu}m$</TEX>이었다. 분리 동정된 M. pneumoniae 균주 중에서 erythromycin에 저항성인 균주가 60주<TEX>$(48.8\%)$</TEX>였으며, 모두가 ribosomal protein L4 영역과 23S rRNA domain V에 내성변이가 일어났으며, 이 중 2균주는 23S rRNA domain II에도 변이가 일어난 균주도 있었다. 국내에서 분리되는 M. pneumoniae균주의 <TEX>$48\%$</TEX>가 erytomycin에 저항성인 균주이므로 앞으로 이 균에 의한 폐렴의 치료에 주의가 요구된다. The 994 throat swabs obtained from 688 adults and 306 children patients with respiratory diseases were examined for Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection by culture method. Antimicrobial susceptibilities of the resulting 123 M. pneumoniae isolates were evaluated by testing minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of erythromycin, minocycline, tetracycline, josamycin, sparfloxacin, ofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin by a broth micro-dilution method. The erythromycin resistant strains of M. pneumoniae was determined above <TEX>$1.0{\mu}g/ml$</TEX> of MIC for erythromycin. The erythromycin resistant strains of M. pneumoniae was confirmed resistant gene mutation of the portions of genes 23S rRNA (domain II and V), and ribosomal protein 14 and L22 by PCR amplified and their nucleotide sequenses were compared to those of the susceptible strain M129. The isolation rate of M. pneumoniae was <TEX>$12.9\%$</TEX> (89/688) for the adults and <TEX>$11.1\%$</TEX> (34/306) for the children. The <TEX>$MICs_{90}$</TEX> of the M. pneumoniae isolates were <TEX>$0.12{\mu}g/ml$</TEX> for minocycline, <TEX>$0.25{\mu}g/ml$</TEX> for sparfloxacin, <TEX>$0.5{\mu}g/ml$</TEX> for ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and tetracycline, respectively, and <TEX>$2.0{\mu}g/ml$</TEX> for josamycin and erythromycin, respectively. The isolation rate of erythromycin resistant M. pneumoniae from patients was <TEX>$49.4\%\;(44/89)$</TEX> for the adults, <TEX>$47.1\%\;(16/34)$</TEX> for children, and <TEX>$48.8\%\;(60/123)$</TEX> for the total. No mutation could be detected in the ribosomal protein L22 region, but all strains were mutated in the ribosomal protein L4 as two point mutation M144V. Two point mutations in domain V of 23S rRNA were selected in the presense of erythromycin resistant M. pneumoniae isolates, such as one strain was G2057C mutant, two strains were A2059C mutants, three strains were C2611G mutants, four strains were A2058C mutants, five strains were A2058T mutants, twenty strains were A2059G mutants, and twenty-five strains were A2058G mutants, respectively. These results show that erythromycin was not the most active compound against M. pneumoniae infection in Korea and clinical studies of macrolides in human patients are demanded.
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