
A two-year-old red-lored amazon parrot (Amazona autumnalis) presented with progressive weight loss and general poor condition. In the radiograph a bounded egg was diagnosed, which was surgically removed under general anaesthesia. Two weeks later a fibrino-mucous cloacal discharge was observed. Clinical examination revealed a thickened structure along the left side of the cloaca. Bacterial culture was performed, in which Pseudomonas aeruginosa growth was demonstrated. Radiographs and blood examination showed no abnormalities. Despite treatment, no improvement in the bird's clinical condition was observed. The owner decided to euthanise the parrot. At autopsy a large tumour of the cloaca was disclosed. Microscopic examination of the lesion revealed a mycobacterial tubercle with numerous giant cells. In addition, Ziehl-Neelsen staining was performed and revealed numerous acid-resistant bacilli within the granulomatous lesions.

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