
French missionary Dallet (1874) wrote in his book that ancient Chinese people have used ‘The thousand character essay’ for their children’s instruction. This book was utilized for the children for the study of Chinese character in the old period of Tch’in (秦) dynasty. Several scientific workers found that Tcheonzamun poem was well interpreted through Korean pronunciation of Chinese characters (Park et al., 2021b), and they also found that Tcheonzamun poem was well translated through the meaning of Chinese character in the viewpoint of Korean grammar (Park et al., 2021a). Therefore, the present worker started to think that Tcheonzamun has been created by ancient Korean. It is one of the object of this study. The thousand character essay is called as ‘Tcheonzamun’ in Korea. This word ‘Tcheonzamun (千字文)’ means ‘the thousand character essay’. There are two methods for Tcheonzamun translation. The first method is through Korean pronunciation of Chinese character (Park et al., 2021b). The second one is through the meaning of Chinese character (Park et al., 2021a). At present, the second method (through the meaning of Chinese character) was used for the translation. This work ranges 16 letters of (Tcheonzamun 049th -064th). The Korean pronunciation of these 16 letters was taken from somewhat old text of Tcheonzamun (Han, 1583). Here, the present worker will do the translation of the poem (Tcheonzamun 049th -064th)’. And the title of this study is ‘My husband! Do you want me your wife to change into such a good state? What will you do? (Tcheonzamun 049th -064th)’. As a conclusion, the theme might be the translation of the second line (053-056) as follows. The light of pearl is very tiny. If this pearl (珠) preserves its original brightness. What shall the power of the pearl do? If there is only one pearl, it is really such a tiny state. But my husband! If other pearls, they start to join into this splendid action (稱) of brightness. What shall the power of many pearls do? A lot of lights will make the world bright more and more. And then, the world at last becomes bright (光) even at night (夜). “My husband! The power of me, your wife, is small. My husband, I need your co-operation for the better life of us!””.

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