
TraR, the quorum-sensing activator of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid conjugation system, induces gene expression in response to its quormone, N-(3-oxooctanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone. Ligand binding results in dimerization of TraR and is required for its activity. Analysis of N- and C-terminal deletion mutants of TraR localized the quormone-binding domain to a region between residues 39 and 140 and the primary dimerization domain to a region between residues 119 and 156. The dominant-negative properties of these mutants predicted a second dimerization domain at the C terminus of the protein. Analysis of fusions of N-terminal fragments of TraR to lambda cI' confirmed the dimerization activity of these two domains. Fifteen single amino acid substitution mutants of TraR defective in dimerization were isolated. According to the analysis of these mutants, Asp-70 and Gly-113 are essential for quormone binding, whereas Ala-38 and Ala-105 are important, but not essential. Additional residues located within the N-terminal half of TraR, including three located in alpha-helix 9, contribute to dimerization, but are not required for ligand binding. These results and the recently reported crystal structure of TraR are consistent with and complement each other and together define some of the structural and functional relationships of this quorum-sensing activator.

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