
Mustafa Kemal is known as a reformer whose role was to save the nation and state of Turkey from thecatastrophe of total destruction due to European colonialism. However, Mustafa Kemal is also considered acontroversial figure because he changed the caliphate culture that became the character of the OttomanEmpire for hundreds of years into a secular state. Mustafa Kemal is known as the creator of modern Turkey andwas given the title as Ataturk which means father of Turkey. The type of research "library research", namely thestudy carried out for solving a problem by using library materials, whether in the form of books, theses, journals,or those related to the Mustafa Kemal's Renewal Idea. The current nationality of Turkish society is the reductionof the thoughts of a Turkish thinker who is considered the father of Turkish nationalism, namely Ziya Gokalp.Mustafa Kemal's Renewal Thought Principles began when he was assigned as a military attaché in 1913 inSofia. It was from here that he became acquainted with western civilization, especially its parliamentarysystem. The principles of Turkish renewal thought which later became its ideological style consisted of threeelements, namely nationalism, secularism and Westernism

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