
Woman Muslim (Muslimah) outfit had became trend or been a part of fashion blooming nowdays. The increase of fashion industry has positive impact for Indonesian economic condition. Fashion education and training did not have learning module yet, which is fit with National Worker Competency Standard (SKKNI) for muslimah fashion design. The purpose of this research is to develop muslimah outfit learning module based on National Worker Competency Standard. Research and development method is used for developing learning module, while expert validation technique is used for validating the module, and practition respondent is used for validating the suitable of the module. The developed learning module shows its validity observed on feasibility of content 3.47; feasibility of presentation 3.49; contextual value 3.38, feasibility of graphic 3.46; feasibility of language 3.53. The overall number 17.32 with an average 3.46 with the result that learning module is very valid. The result of data analysis collected from 10 respondents shows that this learning module strongly ready to use observed by content, language and anxiety. The conclution of this research are muslimah outfit learning module based on National Worker Competency Standard declared valid and can be used for school learning as well as training. Learning method with scientific approach involve process competency such as observe, classify, measure, predict, explain, and conclude. Learning module gives alternative competency based media to develop fashion word.


  • Jilbab (Hijab) in Islam comes from jalaba means collect or bring (Alfatri Adlin, 2006: 343)

  • Jilbab is aurat covering outfit which covered all of women body parts except face and palm (Quraish Shihab, 2004)

  • According to Hatim Badu Pakuna (2005:57) Imam Malik, Syafi’î, dan Abû Hanifah opine that a man must cover all of his body part from navel to knee, althought some of opinion are cover only which is between navel to knee that are genital and butt

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Jilbab (Hijab) in Islam comes from jalaba means collect or bring (Alfatri Adlin, 2006: 343). Jilbab is aurat covering outfit which covered all of women body parts except face and palm (Quraish Shihab, 2004). The required mandatory to cover women aurat written inside Al-Qur’an Surah An Nur verse 30-31 and reinforced inside Surah Al-Ahzab verse 59. According to Hatim Badu Pakuna (2005:57) Imam Malik, Syafi’î, dan Abû Hanifah opine that a man must cover all of his body part from navel to knee, althought some of opinion are cover only which is between navel to knee that are genital and butt. Muslim outfit is growing rapidly in Indonesia. Muslim outfit industry can increase state revenue from non-Migas sector. Fashion industry growth proven its positive impact for economic condition. Since 2009 to 2011, export value of fashion product continues to show year-over year increase, that are US$ 8.8 trillion, US$ 10.7 trillion and US$ 13.9 trillion (Kementerian Perdagangan Indonesia, 2013)

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