
History is considered as an account of the past and present of human race. That means authentic and scientific analysis of all activities of men included in History. Muslims have glorious contributions on the development of the science and knowledge under the Umayyad (662-750 A.D) and Abbasids (750-1258 A.D) especially on the development of Historiography. Muslims start their historiographical activities by writings on the life and activities of their last Prophet Muhammad (SAAS).Later, in the last decades of 8th century; Muslims develop these activities as a complete part of knowledge. In this way, the trends of the Muslim historiography are expanded to Persia and Indo-Pak sub- continent. In this paper, I am going to make an account on the trends and nature of the Muslim historiography of Sultanate period in India from 1206 to 1526 A.D. DOI: 10.5901/ajis.2014.v3n1p451

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