
This paper dealt with 20th century gender inconsistencies of feminism and their privileges between men and women social life in Indian society narrated by Rohinton Mistry’s Novel, “A Fine Balance”. In Indian social life, particular religion and community only will be allowed for certain rights to women than men as much as possible for lift their future life with the support of education, economy survival, respect, and independent assessment etc., The story, “A Fine Balance”, won the 1995 Giller Prize. It was selected for the Booker award in 1996. In this story Dina Dalal is the protogonist and she is the representative of women’s, ‘honour’. Throughout this novel, Dina was a braved woman to face the lot of routine life problems and possessing handling skills. And she is a outstanding figure to play a vital role of the whole story and fight back from her childhood onwards against up’s and down’s in her life journey and to sustain her economy status, get freedom from men dominant society and independent self-assessment. On the writer’s viewpoint the protagonist and other women characters like radha, roopa, ruby, zenobia and shanty etc., doesn’t have any independent privileges and no one can considered and respect the feminism means such as to provide the quality of education, rights and freedom of the society. On the other hand, “emergency period in India”, is the key factor for creating several disaster in Indian social and parsi community group.

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