
Aquest article té com a objectiu promoure la reflexió educativa proporcionant els fonaments teòrics sobre les connexions entre l’aprenentatge de llengües estrangeres i la música, el qual configura els pilars d’un programa CLIL de Música en anglès anomenat MOVIC (Movement& Music in English). També pretén fomentar els enfocaments CLIL de música a les aules d’anglès com a llengua estrangera. L’article presenta els avantatges que la música aporta a l’aula d’anglès, a més de contextualitzar la situació actual del sistema educatiu espanyol i les possibilitats pedagògiques que comporta l’ús de la música. Per últim, presenta l’enfocament pedagògic de MOVIC, juntament amb un exemple d’activitat, i seguidament exposa un seguit d’implicacions pedagògiques per a educadors de llengües estrangeres i polítiques educatives.


  • English as a foreign language (EFL) in Spanish primary schools is considered one of the most relevant subjects in the curriculum due to the importance that this language has gained for career and personal development (Torras-Vila, 2016)

  • The present paper aims at promoting pedagogical reflection by providing the theoretical foundations on the connections between foreign language learningand music, which shapes a Content and Language Integrated Language (CLIL) Music program named MOVIC (Movement & Music in English)

  • The interdependence among these two curricular fields sets the rationale for taking a CLIL approach that has Music as its core

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English as a foreign language (EFL) in Spanish primary schools is considered one of the most relevant subjects in the curriculum due to the importance that this language has gained for career and personal development (Torras-Vila, 2016). By bringing together music and foreign language teaching, the integrative didactic approach I propose is in line with the Recommendation of the Parliament and of the Council on Key Competencies for Lifelong Learning (Comission of the European Communities, 2006) and with Casals and Viladot’s (2011) call for the development of good teaching resources that deepen into the music-English binomial In this regard, the MOVIC program stands on the belief that language sectors use “only a small part of the whole range of possibilities offered by music” Using musical activities as the starting point for planning L2 objectives (e.g., contextualized phrases, structures, or specific vocabulary) might reinforce the quality of interactions which Escobar Urmeneta (2012) refers to when describing Content-Rich Language Learning (CRLL) contexts In this vein, some studies focus on CLIL and Music, considering them two powerful approaches that, when combined, spawn powerful pedagogical benefits (Ćirkovic Miladinović & Milić, 2012; Willis, 2013).

Singing and listening to songs with lyrics
Listening and Speaking skills: new sounds and intonation patterns
Memory and vocabulary acquisition
Music teaching practices that go beyond singing
Factors beyond the typology of music activities: further aspects that boost FLL
Affective factors
The human side: personal bonds, community and creativity
Sample MOVIC activity (author: Berta Torras Vila)
Implications for teachers and conclusion
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