
The article deals with the issues of patriotic education of students and the main directions in the education of patriotism among students. The concept of patriotism is considered as patriotic consciousness, patriotic activity, patriotic relations and patriotic organization. The museum has a huge potential in this activity, the role of which has grown significantly at the present stage. The areas of museums work at the moment are so extensive that it allows them to be included in the educational process of forming the ideals of patriotism among modern students. A study is presented to determine the formation of a sense of patriotism among students of the Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy (IFCIMP) of the Ural Federal University, as well as the awareness of programs of patriotic education at the university and the development of game sports. An experimental study has shown that informing students about game sports promotes involvement in sports activities. The participation in training and competitive processes creates conditions for the formation of patriotism among students in game sports. The creation of a museum of game sports will be one of the innovative means of patriotism fostering.

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