
The episcopate of Munio, Bishop of Calahorra (1066-1080) coincided with the suppression within the Castilian church of the indigenous Mozarabic rite, and its substitution with the Roman liturgy. For centuries, historians of the Spanish church have upheld the tradition, based on the evidence of eleventh- and twelfth-century sources, that Munio occupied a position at the forefront of a powerful Castilian clerical defence of the Mozarabic rite. However, careful analysis of the documentary evidence reveals this tradition to be a fallacy, and the source from which it principally sprung to constitute a deliberate exercise in misinformation. On the other hand, the circumstances that surrounded the fabrication, towards the beginning of the twelfth century, of the story of Munio’s defensive heroism have interesting implications that may reveal different ways in which Munio of Calahorra can be associated with a clerical resistance to the imposition of the Roman rite.


  • Historians of the Spanish church have upheld the tradition, based on the evidence of eleventh- and twelfth-century sources, that Munio occupied a position at the forefront of a powerful Castilian clerical defence of the Mozarabic rite

  • Careful analysis of the documentary evidence reveals this tradition to be a fallacy, and the source from which it principally sprung to constitute a deliberate exercise in misinformation

  • The circumstances that surrounded the fabrication, towards the beginning of the twelfth century, of the story of Munio’s defensive heroism have interesting implications that may reveal different ways in which Munio of Calahorra can be associated with a clerical resistance to the imposition of the Roman rite

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El episcopado de Munio, obispo de Calahorra (1066-1080) coincidió con la supresión en la iglesia castellana del rito mozárabe, y su sustitución por la liturgia romana. Historiadores de la iglesia española han coincidido en poner este obispo al frente de una abierta defensa eclesiástica del antiguo rito peninsular. Un análisis detallado de los documentos del siglo XI y XII en que se basa esta tradición, revela que no tiene fundamento alguno, y nos obliga a identificar su fuente principal como una pieza de desinformación premeditada. Las circunstancias de la creación de esta fuente tienen interesantes implicaciones que permiten sugerir nuevas asociaciones vinculando a Munio de Calahorra con la defensa eclesiástica del rito mozárabe. PALABRAS CLAVE: Castilla, Política eclesiástica, Rito mozárabe, Plena Edad Media, Munio obispo de Calahorra, San Millán de la Cogolla

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