
The paper presents the issue of the municipal program of care for and prevention of homeless animals set out in Article 11a of the Act of 21 August 1997 on animal protection in the context of the possibility of ascribing to it the features of a local law act. The issue of correct qualification of the municipal program of care for homeless animals and prevention of homelessness and the realization of statutory norms authorizing to issue this act by the local legislator is an extremely important issue due to possible legal consequences in the form of invalidation of a resolution of a local government body with ex tunc effect. The author of the article focused in the first part on the characteristics of such a form of local government action as the act of local law, considering its characteristics on the basis of the provisions of law, doctrine and judicature. In the second part the author assessed the municipal program of care for homeless animals and prevention of homelessness through the prism of features characterizing the act of local law. The aim of the paper was to review and discuss essential features of the local law acts and to qualify the communal programme of care for homeless animals and homelessness prevention as the local law act against the background of the court decisions.

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