
The proper management of municipal waste is critical for resource recovery, sustainability and health. Lebanon main approach for managing its municipal waste consisted of landfill disposal with minimal recycling capacity. This approach contributed to exceeding the holding capacity of existing landfills leading eventually to their closures. The closure of a major landfill (Naameh landfill) servicing Beirut and Mount Lebanon areas led to municipal wastes piling in the streets and forests for more than a year in 2016. The main problem identified in the municipal wastes consisted of untreated leachates (from regulated and unregulated dumpsites) going straight into the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore leachate samples were collected and subjected to chemical characterization followed by biological assessment. The chemical characterization and profiling of the Lebanese leachates were compared to results reported in Lebanon, Europe and United States as well as to the toxicity reference values (TRV). The biological assessment was conducted in vitro using human derived immortalized cell cultures. This strategy revealed significant alarming cellular organelles and DNA damages using in vitro cytotoxicity assays (MTS and comet assay). The significant damages observed at the cellular level prompted further animal model investigations using BALB/c mice. The animal data pointed to significant upregulation of liver activity enzymes coupled with significant damage expression in liver spleen and bone marrow DNA. The presented research clearly indicated that there is an urgent need for development of national waste strategies for proper treatment and disposal of municipal waste leachates in Lebanon.

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