
Collaborative filtering often suffers from sparsity and cold start problems in real recommendation scenarios, therefore, researchers and engineers usually use side information to address the issues and improve the performance of recommender systems. In this paper, we consider knowledge graphs as the source of side information. We propose MKR, a Multi-task feature learning approach for Knowledge graph enhanced Recommendation. MKR is a deep end-to-end framework that utilizes knowledge graph embedding task to assist recommendation task. The two tasks are associated by cross&compress units, which automatically share latent features and learn high-order interactions between items in recommender systems and entities in the knowledge graph. We prove that cross&compress units have sufficient capability of polynomial approximation, and show that MKR is a generalized framework over several representative methods of recommender systems and multi-task learning. Through extensive experiments on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that MKR achieves substantial gains in movie, book, music, and news recommendation, over state-of-the-art baselines. MKR is also shown to be able to maintain a decent performance even if user-item interactions are sparse.


  • Recommender systems (RS) aims to address the information explosion and meet users personalized interests

  • Collaborative Knowledge base Embedding (CKE) performs better in movie, book, and music recommendation than news. This may be because MovieLens-1M, BookCrossing, and Last.FM are much denser than Bing-News, which is more favorable for the collaborative filtering part in CKE

  • The goal of MKR is to utilize Knowledge graphs (KGs) to assist with recommendation, it is still interesting to investigate whether the RS task benefits the knowledge graph embedding (KGE) task, since the principle of multi-task learning is to leverage shared information to help improve the performance of all tasks [42]

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Recommender systems (RS) aims to address the information explosion and meet users personalized interests. One of the most popular recommendation techniques is collaborative filtering (CF) [11], which utilizes users’ historical interactions and makes recommendations based on their common preferences. CF-based methods usually suffer from the sparsity of user-item interactions and the cold start problem.

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