
Application potential of multistory optical waveguide structure (MSWG) to intra-board, intra-wafer, or intrachipoptical interconnection systems is discussed with proposed coupling scheme between stacked waveguidesusing grating couplers. Basic concept of three dimensional optoelectronic integrated circuits (3-D OEICs), which is constructed by stacking several wafer-scale electronic IC (EIC) layers and optical IC (OIC) layers, isfigured and described. Number of micro-processors, memories, light sources, photodetectors, etc., are integratedon each EIC layer of semiconductor wafer of several micron thickness. Optical data-bus and control-bus areformed in each OIC layer with MSWG, which is introduced between EIC layers. Use of grating couplers forselective interconnection among MSWG or OIC layers is proposed and discussed with preliminary experimentalresults.

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