
While few-shot object detection(FSOD) has been developed to a certain extent, it is still a large margin from practical applications. Most existing methods use traditional object detection methods as the basic framework is improved to a limited extent. Previous methods often ignore the special characterization relationship between support and query images. This paper fully investigates the effect of support images on detection performance and proposes a new FSOD method called Multi-relational Semantic Distillation (MSD). Our approach aims to improve FSOD performance by building a multi-relational semantic representation model with support and query features. In addition, we propose a support enhancement (SE) module based on the self-attention mechanism to enhance the useful information in the support features to mitigate the negative impact of low-quality support images. To verify the effectiveness of MSD, we conduct sufficient experiments on Pascal VOC and MS-COCO datasets. Experiments show that MSD achieves competitive results at low shots compared to other state-of-the-art few-shot detectors.

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