
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses multi-quantum-excited photoelectron emission in various solids in regard to high time-resolution sampling spectroscopy of short-lived luminescence. It presents a sampling method, which is simpler in experimental set up and more efficient in measurement. A two-photon-induced electron mission is detected when a photocathode of a photo multiplier (PMT) is simultaneously irradiated by a pump laser. This chapter describes a study involving commercial PMTs with photo cathodes of different spectral responses. The photocathode used was CS3Sb, which is sensitive and invisible and near-UV wavelength ranges. The results shown are reasonable if the absorption spectra of most metals with no deep band-gap in the spectral range is considered so that the two-photon transition would take place via a real intermediate state. In order to find a multi-quantum photoelectric effect for various materials in a more controllable manner, a vacuum chamber was designed that contained a photo cathode and an electron multiplier.

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