
The Hardy-Orlicz space Hϕ is the space of all analytic functions f on the open unit disk D such that the subharmonic function ϕ(|f|) has a harmonic majorant on D where Á is a modulus function. is the space of all f ϵ Hϕ such that ϕ(|f|) has a quasi-bounded harmonic majorant on D. Under certain constraints on Á we show that multiplicative linear functionals on are exactly point evaluation and ring homomorphisms of are just composition operators. Examples of such ϕ are ϕ(x)=(log(1+x))p and ϕ(x)=log(1+xp ), 0 < p ≤ 1. This generalizes the special case p = 1 where is the well known Smirnov class N +.

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